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新聞 瘦身」有 1 個符合結果
瑞信擬瘦身重組投行私人銀行部門. 瑞士第二大銀行瑞士信貸集團表示,將對投資銀行進行重組,同時合併資產管理及私人銀行部門,以節省成本、並降低複雜性。 《彭博》報道,瑞信今日發布聲明指出,現年45歲的Gael de Boissard將加入瑞信執委會,掌管固定收益 ...

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A new user has subscribed to you on YouTube!
They don't have a YouTube channel yet, but they will still receive notifications when you upload new videos, create playlists, like videos, and so on.

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2012/11/20 第486期 ■歷史報份訂閱/退訂

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