News 3 new results for Story
Chasing a long story to its finality
CBS News
From that Sunday when we heard these chilling words from the president, "We are at war," we have devoted more time to this story and its aftermath than any other single story. We spent about 50% of our time on this one. The Bush Administration told us ...

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新聞 SPORT」有 1 個符合結果
Goal.com賽後評分:史篤城3-1 阿仙奴
By Tong Mu 比高域- 7.0 事實上阿仙奴並沒有像預想得那樣對於比高域進行狂轟濫炸,整場比賽他的工作都比較清閒。下半場撲出雲佩斯的射門頗為精彩。 梳高斯- 8.0 由於總所周知的原因,梳高斯成為了本場比賽的主角之一。史篤城球迷唱起的「只有一個梳高斯」響徹球場來表示 ...

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News 5 new results for ipad2
Should you be queuing up for the iPad2?
Business Standard
There are plenty of reasons to own the Apple iPad2. However, if you already own an iPad, there may not be enough reasons to upgrade. Those who want easy access to the internet on the move and are avid multi-media users, a tablet device makes for a good ...

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News 8 new results for MLB
MLB, Red Sox, celebrate Mother's Day by raising breast cancer awareness
Boston Globe
By Peter Abraham, Globe Staff Major league players will wear pink ribbons on their uniforms today, Mother's Day, to increase awareness of breast cancer. Many players also will use pink bats and wear pink wristbands. The honorary bat girl for the Red ...

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News 8 new results for NBA
Lakers vs. Mavericks, Game 5 -- What to watch
ESPN (blog)
By Brian Kamenetzky If the Lakers are to be the first team in NBA history to overcome a 3-0 deficit in a seven-game series, the comeback will start this afternoon in Game 4. The team can find motivation from a variety of sources. Think of Phil Jackson, ...

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