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2013/11/04 第132期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份∣直接訂閱 
In-Young Hotel's Spectacular Views and Unique Design
【English translation: Lin Fu-ru;Photos by Pao Chung-hui】

Cijin is certainly one of Kaohsiung's most popular tourist attractions and is famous for its busy main street which features numerous seafood restaurants and a path to follow to the popular beach. One of its interesting and colorful buildings near the beach is shaped like a fishbone and recently became home to Cijin's first local hotel called In-Young.

迷人的湛藍海景 Breathing taking views of the ocean

The hotel is a Kaohsiung City Government's initiative and opened in June 2013. It is the management's first hotel in Southern Taiwan. It has an oceanic theme and colorful decor. The cozy interior highlights include large balloon-like stained glass lampshades located by the elevator, rustic hardwood floors, colorful chairs and floor-to-ceiling windows which offer breath taking views of the ocean. The atmosphere of the lobby changes with the time of day; and in the evening, it is aglow with sparking chandeliers.

氣球形狀的彩色玻璃燈罩 Balloon-like stained-glass lampshades

The In-Young Hotel has a tourists market, which sells districts' specialities on it first floor. The seventy guest rooms are located on the second and third floors. All rooms have light and shadow theme names. It also offers good security and privacy. Only guests are allowed to enter and must use their key cards in order to do so. Rooms are located on both sides of a long corridor; however, only guest rooms that face the west have oceanside views. There are also beautiful views of the ocean at the end of the corridor, and guest rooms facing the other side have views of a scenic fishing village.

In-Young hotel is in a very convenient location. It is just across the street from the beach and great place for a weekend getaway. It also provide dining on the beach and a gourmet restaurant on the roof with spectacular panoramic views. There is also an outdoor bar that opens in the evenings and can accommodover sixty people. Guests can also enjoy American dishes under the sunset or sip of cocktails by moonlight. The exotic resort certainly provides a great escape from the surrounding metropolis. It's a great place to just relax and watch ship come and go.

The In-Young Hotel can provide information on Kaohsiung's local eateries and authentic local cuisine. They also feature a ten course feast with each dish representing one of the island's most beautiful, well known attractions and include some of Cijin's best seafood dishes. It is certainly a fun and delicious way to learn more about Cijin. The hotel is also working to collaborate with other tourist organizations in order to develop tour packages and a tricycle taxi service between the ferry station and the hotel. The staff strives to create a home away from home feeling for every guest which stays at their hotel.

In-Young Hotel

(07) 572-1818

3F., No.1050, Cijin 3rd Rd., Cijin Dist., Kaohsiung City

客房 Guest room

擁一衾天色入眠 旗津道酒店



旗津道酒店正面 In-Young Hotel facade



用餐區 Dining area








80203 高雄市苓雅區四維三路二號 電話:(07) 331-5016



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