Cijin is certainly one of Kaohsiung's most popular tourist attractions and is famous for its busy main street which features numerous seafood restaurants and a path to follow to the popular beach. One of its interesting and colorful buildings near the beach is shaped like a fishbone and recently became home to Cijin's first local hotel called In-Young. | 迷人的湛藍海景 Breathing taking views of the ocean | The hotel is a Kaohsiung City Government's initiative and opened in June 2013. It is the management's first hotel in Southern Taiwan. It has an oceanic theme and colorful decor. The cozy interior highlights include large balloon-like stained glass lampshades located by the elevator, rustic hardwood floors, colorful chairs and floor-to-ceiling windows which offer breath taking views of the ocean. The atmosphere of the lobby changes with the time of day; and in the evening, it is aglow with sparking chandeliers. | 氣球形狀的彩色玻璃燈罩 Balloon-like stained-glass lampshades | The In-Young Hotel has a tourists market, which sells districts' specialities on it first floor. The seventy guest rooms are located on the second and third floors. All rooms have light and shadow theme names. It also offers good security and privacy. Only guests are allowed to enter and must use their key cards in order to do so. Rooms are located on both sides of a long corridor; however, only guest rooms that face the west have oceanside views. There are also beautiful views of the ocean at the end of the corridor, and guest rooms facing the other side have views of a scenic fishing village. In-Young hotel is in a very convenient location. It is just across the street from the beach and great place for a weekend getaway. It also provide dining on the beach and a gourmet restaurant on the roof with spectacular panoramic views. There is also an outdoor bar that opens in the evenings and can accommodover sixty people. Guests can also enjoy American dishes under the sunset or sip of cocktails by moonlight. The exotic resort certainly provides a great escape from the surrounding metropolis. It's a great place to just relax and watch ship come and go. The In-Young Hotel can provide information on Kaohsiung's local eateries and authentic local cuisine. They also feature a ten course feast with each dish representing one of the island's most beautiful, well known attractions and include some of Cijin's best seafood dishes. It is certainly a fun and delicious way to learn more about Cijin. The hotel is also working to collaborate with other tourist organizations in order to develop tour packages and a tricycle taxi service between the ferry station and the hotel. The staff strives to create a home away from home feeling for every guest which stays at their hotel. In-Young Hotel (07) 572-1818 3F., No.1050, Cijin 3rd Rd., Cijin Dist., Kaohsiung City | 客房 Guest room | 擁一衾天色入眠 旗津道酒店 【文/林旻伶;攝影/鮑忠暉】 旗津,向來是旅人訪港都熱門觀光景點,沿著熱鬧的海產街往海灘方向前進,一旁有棟色彩繽紛的魚骨型建築物十分吸睛,一樓是專賣各式特產的觀光市場,二、三樓則由高雄市政府引進業者投資,催生出當地第一家旅店「旗津道酒店」。 | 旗津道酒店正面 In-Young Hotel facade | 延續旅人對建築外觀的亮麗印象,今(2013)年6月底開幕的旗津道酒店以多彩陳設妝點。一步出旅店電梯,一大串宛如氣球飄在空中的彩色玻璃燈罩迎面而來,以海洋元素為出發點再融入些許童趣的設計理念,與溫暖質樸的木質地板相得益彰,各式色彩造型迥異的單人椅錯落其中,為旅人營造了一方愜意空間。隨著光影變化,大廳呈現著不同風情,白日大面落地窗將戶外海天一色的景致盡收眼底;入夜後,一顆顆圓形吊燈泛著柔和光暈,宛若點點繁星。 首次轉戰南台灣飯店業的經營團隊回憶起第一次來到旅店預定地的感受:「午後的豔陽穿過彩色玻璃帷幕,光影交錯照映在地面,加上戶外湛藍海景,譜成一股輕鬆悠閒的氛圍,旗津的美,若非身處其中是無法深刻體會的!」延續這份最初的感動,旗津道酒店內的70間客房均以光影為名,進入客房區必須使用房卡,確保旅人隱私,兩側客房以長廊為界,長廊上還貼心地規劃幾處觀海區,朝西的客房坐擁無敵海景,另一側的客房則讓旅人細細品味小漁村人文風情,住宿於此,就是另一款旅行生活。 | 用餐區 Dining area | 由於地理位置極佳,旅人只要穿越一條馬路就可以踩踏海水,星期假日總吸引許多情侶或親子入住,旗津道酒店也在前方海灘上提供餐食服務,若想居高臨下賞美景、吃美食,不妨試試位於旅店頂樓的「漾吧」。漾吧從傍晚時分開始營業,可容納超過60人的露天空間,讓旅人得以舒適地斜倚欄杆,在夕陽餘暉中享用美式點心,或是坐在星空下啜飲調酒,在遠方漁火閃爍中,沈浸在大都會的度假風情。 配合南台灣的飲食習慣,旗津道酒店特地向在地知名飯店交流料理心得,選用在地當令食材搭配新鮮海產,打造道地的高雄味,比如以旗津當地知名景點為料理創作靈感,研發出「旗津十景宴」,每道菜色代表一處旗津美景,讓旅人透過美味料理認識旗津之美。目前,旗津道酒店正在研商如何與當地觀光資源結合,規劃日後推出套裝行程,或是提供渡輪站到旅店的三輪車接駁服務,以更細膩的服務讓旅人感到賓至如歸。 旗津道酒店 07-5721818 高雄市旗津區旗津三路1050號3樓 |