Some very exciting things are happening in Kaohsiung! Several major construction projects are proceeding, such as the Kaohsiung Exhibition and Convention Center, Kaohsiung Port Terminal, the Maritime Cultural & Popular Music Center, the Kaohsiung Public Library, and the Kaohsiung Light Rail that will connect them all. These landmarks, all part of the city's Asian New Bay Area project, will be completed between 2013 and 2016. The city is making this audacious transformation in the hope of attracting tourists, and many international hotel chains are already gearing up for the inflow. Several high-end business hotels are currently being built in Kaohsiung in anticipation of ever greater visitor numbers. One of the hottest new spots is Hotel Dua, a boutique hotel that opened its doors at the end of 2011. Its trendy design and customer-oriented service quickly made it an insider's favorite. The pronunciation of the word "Dua" confuses many, but here is an explanation: The word "dua" is the Latin equivalent to the English word "the." It is pronounced as "d'wua," which, coincidentally, is the same pronunciation of the word "reside" in Taiwanese. The hotel picked its name well, for it is meant to be a spot where travelers can find a living space in a foreign city. Located at the busy Jhongjheng Road/Linsen Road intersection, Hotel Dua is an oasis in the heart of the concrete jungle. Just one minute on foot from the Kaohsiung MRT's Formosa Boulevard Station, the low-key, modern facade of the building reveals nothing of what is inside. However, once you step over the threshold, you find yourself in a different world. The spacious lobby has been decorated in a way that does not diminish its grandeur. In the sitting area, illumination comes from soft, projected lights embedded in the floor, creating a warm, casual space for those who spend time here. Further back there is a space where hotel guests can pass time in a comfortable atmosphere without interruption. The bare brick walls are lined with black-and-white photos, and an "employer's favorite" reading list is offered for guests' consideration. Coffee and tea are available 24-7; guests are welcome to help themselves. Employees say some hotel guests find the surroundings so congenial they stay there reading until 4am<.> Hotel Dua prides itself in its detail-oriented customer service. Guest rooms are accessible via the elevator, and the elevator is programmed to respond only to valid key cards. Each key card is programmed to take the guest only to his or her floor. The rooms range in floor area from 10 to 28 pings (350 to 1,000 sq ft) and every room is designed to provide ultimate comfort. The phone in each room has a designated "customer service" button. Guests need not waste time wondering which extension to call for the service they require. They simply hit the button and the hotel's staff figures out how best to serve them. Hotel Dua does not do much advertising. All promotion has been promoted by word of mouth, an approach that is obviously working. The hotel's 145 rooms are regularly 80% booked, and on weekends and holidays the occupancy rate is often 95%. The hotel's morning repast has been voted one of Taiwan's "Top 10 Hotel Breakfasts." An authentic Kaohsiung favorite is served: seafood porridge. It is made from scratch each morning, and the kitchen staff begin working on the soup base as early as 5am to provide guests with an energy-boosting meal at the start of the day. Those staying in single rooms are entitled to two breakfasts so they can share with their visitors. Hotel Dua strives to be a home away from home. Whether you are a Kaohsiung local, a first-time visitor to the city or a returning guest, the hotel wants to be the place where you stay when in Kaohsiung. Hotel Dua 07-2157588 No. 165, Linsen 1st Rd., Sinsing Dist., Kaohsiung City 最夯的精品旅館 Hotel Dua 【文/侯雅婷】 高雄的未來讓人期待!近年來高雄傾全力發展「亞洲新灣區」計畫,結合高雄世界貿易展覽會議中心、高雄港埠旅運中心、海洋文化及流行音樂中心、高雄市立圖書館總館以及串連上述建設的環狀輕軌等重大建設,將於2013年至2016年陸續完工,預計將刺激高雄觀光產業能量,跨國企業已摩拳擦掌,開始興建頂級商務旅店。 其中,最夯的是2011年底開始營運的精品旅館Hotel Dua,提供旅人住高雄更時尚、舒適的選擇。 Hotel Dua讓很多人有些許困惑,不知如何發音。Dua為拉丁語,用法同英文the,但這個字的發音與台語「住」同音,台語的意思為居住,這也呼應旅館是提供旅人居住空間的意涵。 有趣的是Hotel Dua的空間設計正如同她的名字,低調!Hotel Dua位於車水馬龍的中正路和林森路交叉口,距捷運美麗島站步行僅須一分鐘,但對於初來乍到的旅客,會為矗立眼前一棟低調、現代的建築感到有些摸不著頭緒,但推開門後,一切恍然大悟!飯店寬敞的大廳,在低調中展現大器,沙發區的光線因地面燈光投射,呈現柔和的氣氛,提供旅人們溫暖、不被打擾的空間,還有閱覽區陳列員工推薦的好書供旅客享受閱讀的恬靜;再往後方移動,映入眼簾的一隅是房客專用區,砌磚設計的牆面掛著黑白照片,24小時提供咖啡和茶,讓旅人賓至如歸,如同回到家一般自在,Hotel Dua員工透露,曾有房客帶著書,在這個迷人的空間一直待到清晨4點鐘。 Hotel Dua講究服務細節,房客進入電梯須使用房卡,且房卡已設定所住宿的樓層,保障房客的隱私空間。房間從10坪房~28坪房不等,提供旅人舒適的環境;貼心的服務還展現在房客單一服務電話,房客只要拿起電話聽筒,按唯一的服務鈕,就可享受飯店提供的服務,避免房客迷失於在眾多電話按鈕選項中。 儘管沒有大打廣告,Hotel Dua在北台灣仍享高知名度,145間客房週間住宿達8成,週末更高達9成5,而Hotel Dua的早餐更遠近馳名,入選台灣十大最讚飯店早餐。Hotel Dua堅持在高雄吃早餐一定要嚐嚐道地的海鮮粥,海鮮粥湯底是從凌晨五點開始熬製,希望提供旅人滿滿元氣,即便是單人房也贈送兩客早餐,體貼房客能與來訪的朋友共享豐盛的早餐。 Hotel Dua希望無論是在地高雄人有朋自遠方來,或是遊客再訪高雄,都會想到Hotel Dua,這就是對他們最大的肯定。 Hotel Dua 07-2157588 高雄市新興區林森一路165號 |