News3 new results for MLB
Frank McCourt pokes MLB and it hits back hard: A fan's opinion
Yahoo! Sports
Patrick asked, "Has Major League Baseball and Bud Selig lied about what has taken place here?" McCourt stammered as he spoke: "I'm not going to characterize what they said in that way. That would just be very, very inflammatory for me to do. ...
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Yahoo! Sports
MLB: Morning glory for Angels in victory over Red Sox
Annapolis Capital
BOSTON (AP) - The Boston Red Sox ran out of options and the only choice they had didn't work. AP VIDEO more>> With his bullpen emptied and shortened after Bobby Jenks' arm cramped up earlier in the game, Red Sox manager Terry Francona had to use ...
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Lee works out, eyeing weekend return
By Brian McTaggart / | 05/05/11 2:39 PM ET CINCINNATI -- Astros left fielder Carlos Lee took batting practice, played catch and fielded fly balls in the outfield prior to Thursday's game and was pleasantly surprised with the results. ...
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