News 10 new results for NBA
Ref admits mistake in no-call
ESPN (blog)
By Nick Friedell ATLANTA -- NBA official Bennett Salvatore admitted he made a mistake in ruling an inadvertent whistle rather than a foul on a three-point shot attempt by the Chicago Bulls' Derrick Rose late in Sunday night's Game 4 against Atlanta ...

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News 1 new result for ipad2
Meet the workers dying to meet your iPad 2 demand
Sydney Morning Herald
Photo: AP If you're frustrated at being unable to buy an iPad 2, spare a thought for the Chinese workers who may never be able to afford one of the shiny new gadgets but are literally dying to get them out fast enough to meet Western demand. ...

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News 4 new results for Good food
Walla Walla wineries help food bank
The Seattle Times
On a weekend where throngs of tourists come to town to satiate their appetites for fine wine, good food and a variety of entertainment, a few wineries around town were helping to build a bigger room to hold more food to feed the hungry. ...

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News 2 new results for MLB
Pink is in throughout MLB for Mother's Day
By Jesse Sanchez / MLB.com | 05/08/11 9:25 PM ET Hundreds of big league players and personnel across the country painted their towns pink Sunday. In support of Major League Baseball's annual Mother's Day initiative to support breast cancer research and ...

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新聞 旅遊」有 1 個符合結果
此前,華西村已花費了9000萬元向美國麥道公司、法國歐直公司分別購買了型號為MD902和型號為AS350B3的兩架直升機,現正以託管形式委託上海的一家公司管理,未來華西村計劃推出"空中看華西"的旅遊項目。 李慶向記者介紹,華西村每年接待國內外遊客已超過200萬人,龐大的遊客 ...

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