新聞 SPORT」有 3 個符合結果
(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)「鐵血戰士」現身NBA季後賽!塞爾特人控衞朗度昨於季後賽東岸4強第3戰,強忍左手手肘脫臼之痛在場上繼續「拼命」,即使只剩下右手作戰,還可以盜球和入樽,成功帶動全隊打了一場「翻身戰」,主場以97:81勇挫熱火,場數追至1:2。 ...

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News 10 new results for NBA
VIDEO: Mike Tirico Rightly Destroys Andrew Bynum For Cheap Shot Against Mavs
Awful Announcing
The Lakers were already on their way out of the NBA Playoffs thanks to a shocking sweep by the Dallas Mavericks. Dallas was already leading the clinching Game 4 by 30 points in the 4th quarter and were on their way to perhaps the most comprehensive ...

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News 6 new results for MLB
No-hitters nothing unusual in MLB after two in one week
USA Today
By Bob Nightengale, USA TODAY ARLINGTON, Texas — There was a time when no-hitters were unique in baseball, the mere possibility of one piquing the interest of even casual fans. By Darren Calabrese, AP Justin Verlander threw his second-career no-hitter ...

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新聞 瘦身」有 1 個符合結果
薛芷倫拖姚予晴男友 明搶暗嘲
(綜合報道)(星島日報報道)曾患上乳癌,現已康復的馬清偉前妻薛芷倫(Fanny)前晚穿上性感晚裝現身鄭紹康生日晚宴,盡現「逼爆」上圍,她解釋因服用抗癌藥物弄致水腫,雖勤做運動,卻瘦身不瘦胸,還笑指那是天生的! Fanny精神奕奕暢談「健胸」之道,並解釋胸前疑似暗瘡的 ...

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