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2012/08/17 第323期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份
編輯小語 大師輕鬆讀電子報重新發行
五分鐘摘要 讓銷售團隊失業的消費者
新刊掃描 你還在用老方法賣東西嗎?
《大師輕鬆讀》自 2012 年 5 月創新改版,全新發行電子版&紙本雜誌,並與聯合電子報重新發行【大師輕鬆讀電子報】!



☆ 行銷軟體公司 HubSpot 業務及行銷通路總監 Peter Caputa I


隨著消費者主權(Consumer Paramountcy)意識的興起,網路科技讓消費者之間的串連變得輕易且無成本,生產者、銷售者與消費者之間的關係,已經由消費者取得主導地位。





本期介紹的《引導式銷售》(Fire Your Sales Team Today)作者邁克.利伯曼(Mike Lieberman)和艾利克.凱里斯(Eric Keiles)是 2 號廣場行銷公司(Square 2 Marketing)共同創辦人。利伯曼身兼總裁,他的「出色部落格」(Remarkablog)是以行銷和銷售諮詢為主的部落格,廣受重視。行銷長凱里斯除了身兼公眾演講者和作家,他還製作每周播出一次的行銷摘要節目和電子周報,有 1 萬 3000 名企業主和創業者訂閱。兩人合著有《行銷革命的現實》。



許多 5 年前雇用的業務人員,現在還在學習網路時代以前、早就失效的銷售技術。然而,人們已不想再被「推銷」任何東西,他們要的是影片、說明書及網路研討會,讓他們在決定購買前有更多了解。

☆ 行銷軟體公司 HubSpot 業務及行銷通路總監 Peter Caputa IV 等名人推薦


Back in the good old days, you had a marketing team who created awareness of your product and then a sales team who knew a hundred ways to close the sale and answer every objection. Today, hard selling doesn't work – buyers hold all the power. Buyers can research anything with just a few keystrokes and they want to research online before they buy. In a nutshell, people don't want to be "sold" anymore.


To respond to those new realities, it's time to fundamentally reconfigure how you structure sales and marketing. In particular, it's time to fire your existing sales and marketing teams and then immediately rehire them to be part of a new and powerful team you call the "Revenue Department" where everyone is pulling in the same direction rather than at cross-purposes.

現在也應該一改過去把 95% 比重放在對外銷售的努力,改採行銷 75%、銷售 25% 的混合比例。要做到這點,你原來的業務和行銷人員必須變成「銷售導遊」,專心引導潛在客戶自行做出正確決定,而不是企圖脅迫他們去做你希望的事。

It's also time to move away from weighting 95% of your outbound efforts on sales and instead move towards a mix of 75% marketing and 25% sales. To make this happen, your former sales and marketing personnel need to become "Sales Guides" who focus on guiding prospects to making the right decisions themselves rather than trying to strong-arm them into doing what you want.


The traditional tactics of marketers – cold calling, telemarketing, trade shows, direct mail and advertising – are all declining in effectiveness and ROI these days. The new dynamic which exists today is marketing has to make available content which will attract potential buyers into the sales funnel and then the sales team finishes the sale by guiding the prospect to make the right purchase decision for themselves. Today's sales funnel looks and works more like this:




【Key Thoughts】

"We are challenging you to surround your sales team with powerful, content-rich marketing that drives qualified leads to your company, eliminating the need for old-fashioned telemarketing, cold calling, and the dreaded "hard sell." What you need is a team of "guides" who help clients make the right purchase decision and then simply wrap up the details of the deal. This new Guided Sales Process corresponds with new buyer behavior, and we want to help your company adopt this new method so that you can close more deals. If you commit to the work necessary to change your thinking and your process, you will experience the power of this approach firsthand. To serve the prospect effectively and convert that prospect into a customer, sales and marketing need to be a single, linear process that orchestrates a seamless series of communications directly to the prospect."

– Mike Lieberman & Eric Keiles


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