News 3 new results for Story
Television review: 'Becoming Chaz'
Los Angeles Times
This honest, thought-provoking documentary tells the story of Chaz Bono's transition from female to male. Chaz Bono in the dcumentary "Becoming Chaz." (OWN / May 10, 2011) By Mary McNamara, Los Angeles Times Television Critic Midway through "Becoming ...

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News 7 new results for NBA
Mavericks' success is all about team concept
Kansas City Star
By DWAIN PRICE Probably no team still alive in the NBA playoffs is as focused as the Dallas Mavericks. It's almost a daily ritual on the radio and TV talk show circuit for the Mavericks to hear constant criticism about what they can't do and what the ...

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新聞 旅遊」有 1 個符合結果
大陸主題樂園 上演「貓鼠大戰」
繼上海迪士尼樂園之後,日本三麗鷗與浙江銀潤休閒旅遊開發公司5月8日也正式簽約,雙方將在浙江安吉共同打造中國首座Hello Kitty主題樂園,今年7月動工,2014年開業,預估未來將與上海迪士尼樂園正面對決。 浙江日報指出,這將是Hello Kitty主題公園首次走出日本。 ...

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2011/05/12 第22期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份慈濟月刊電子雜誌
編輯小語 譜寫愛心奇蹟
證嚴上人專區 證嚴上人衲履足跡/修築「心靈防火牆」

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2011/05/10 第404期 ■歷史報份訂閱/退訂

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