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Kaohsiung Ambassador Hotel's Cream of Almond
【English translation: Peng Hsin-yi】

Cream of almond (the Chinese name, literally translated, is "almond tea") is a very popular Chinese dessert dish. In fact, it was voted no. 1 in the 2014 Printed Media Best New Year's Special Dish event. Take one taste of Kaohsiung Ambassador Hotel's Cream of Almond and you will know why. Each sip is a sensuous experience of creamy almond fragrance that goes smoothly down and warms you right up.

Mr. Chen Yuan-jian, the hotel's dessert chef, says that this seemingly simple item is actually very demanding both in terms of ingredient selection and making. In Kaohsiung Ambassador Hotel, the process starts with soaking sweet almond (not the same kind commonly eaten as a snack food) and glutinous rice for six hours, then slowly grinding it down to a milky texture. Next, the liquid is placed in a double boiler to cook and stirred constantly until it reaches almost-boiling point. It is important to never let it boil because the aromatic agent would breakdown and the cream of almond would lose its most alluring feature. In other words, perfection is only achieved by absolute concentration and extensive labor.

A spoonful of the cream is enough to fill the room with a tantalizing almond aroma. Traditionally, it is served with youtiao (fried dough sticks). Many people eat it by dunking the crispy youtiao in the warm cream of almond, and consuming it immediately. The dough absorbs just the right amount of cream; the silkiness of the cream and the crispness of the youtiao makes for a perfect combination of sweet and savory. It is a dish that appeals to all of your senses; it is emotionally satisfying, too. People love it for its charm and simplicity. In recent years, it has also gained popularity among Japanese tourists.

Almond Tea

Kaohsiung Ambassador Hotel

No. 202, Minsheng 2nd Road, Kaohsiung City

高雄國賓大飯店 杏仁香奶露









80203 高雄市苓雅區四維三路二號 電話:(07) 331-5016

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