News3 new results for ipad2
iPad 2 is fit for Queen Elizabeth
ZDNet (blog)
By Gloria Sin | May 9, 2011, 3:38pm PDT The 85-year old monarch can't wait to start surfing the Web, listening to music, playing games and downloading app on her own iPad 2 — just like any other hip granny. Ricardo Bilton writes for ZDNet's The ToyBox ...
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iPad 2 would have bested 1990s-era supercomputers
Dongarra's group has ported Linpack to the iPad 2 to see how fast it really is, according to the New York Times. Tests on the iPad 2 have so far only been run on a single core of the A5 processor, but Dongarra estimates that a dual-core Linpack run ...
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Thing of techno beauty: iPad 2
Times LIVE
It's only been a few days since I unwrapped my sleek, sexy iPad 2, but already I am a dedicated and vociferous fan of this light and super-slim tablet. Actually, I lie when I say that I unwrapped it. Two bags of goodies were dropped off at my office ...
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