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The Story Shifts on the Abbottabad Raid; UPDATE: Carney Revises ...
By Jimmie Bise, Jr
The Story Shifts on the Abbottabad Raid; UPDATE: Carney Revises Again, Says There Was "Resistance" from bin Laden.
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The Bin Laden Story Isn't True | Psychology Today
By Stanton Peele
The bin Laden assassination narrative was created to make us feel good By Stanton Peele...
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Hawaii Gov. Abercrombie signs gender identity discrimination bill ...
By Eric W. Dolan
The university's vice president of academic affairs reportedly asserted that her lifestyle "offends his Baptist beliefs." Share this story >>. blog comments powered by Disqus. Follow Us! Email Facebook Twitter Digg RSS ...
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Close Read: Bin Laden: The Story So Far : The New Yorker
By Amy Davidson
Bin Laden: The Story So Far. Posted by Amy Davidson. Today was a day for straightening stories—some of which were bent more out of shape than others—and for filling in details about the killing of Osama bin Laden. ...
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Parker's 'Sixkill' has compelling story line | The Associated ...
By The Associated Press
"Sixkill" (G.P. Putnam's Sons), by Robert B. Parker: In 1973, Robert B. Parker introduced a Boston private detective named Spenser in a paperback novel titled, "The Godwulf Manuscript."
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